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Fat Quarter Four Patch Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in multiple bright colors with a light green border

Fat Quarter Four Patch

SBDDB07 Fat Quarter Four-Patch Quilt Pattern

Sizes: Lap (62" x 72"), Twin (72" x 82"), Queen (92" x 102"), & King (112" x 112")

Fat Quarter Friendly

Perfect Ten Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in bright colors and black accent

Perfect Ten

Best Seller! 

Perfect Ten uses 10 fat quarters, sashing and a border.  This is a fun pattern to sew and looks good in everyting!

Grand Central Quilt pattern by  Swirly Girls Design in reds, oranges, and black

Grand Central

Grand Central Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Use a panel or large scale print in the center.

Pattern includes coping strip instructions for panels that are too small.

Patchwork PDQ quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in browns, grays, and whites

Patchwork PDQ

Patchwork PDQ Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 45"x45" (Baby), 55"x70" (Lap), 74"x89" (Twin), 89"x104" (Queen), 108"x108" (King)

Insider Trading Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in primary colors with a white background

Insider Trading

Insider Trading Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 60"x75" (Lap), 75"x90" (Twin), 90"x105" (Queen), 120"x120" (King)

Solar Flare Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in bright batiks

Solar Flare

Solar Flare Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

This pattern uses the Circle Savvy Ruler

I recommend Barely There Fusible Web - Lap (3 yds), Twin (4-1/4 yds), Queen (5 yds), King (7-3/4 yds)

Easy curved applique

Fuse Circle, Applique, Cut into quarters to make the block.

Sizes: 64"x72" (Lap), 72"x88" (Twin), 88"x96" (Queen), 112"x112" (King)

Life's a Beach Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in blue, black and white

Life's a Beach

Life's A Beach Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Cosmos quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in rainbow colors and a black background.


Cosmos Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Uses 6 fat quarters, background and border.

Size: 59"x76"


Great BOM pattern!

Serenade Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in bright rainbow colors, black, and white


Serenade Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 60"x68"

This pattern uses the Creative Grids 60* Triangle Ruler.

Flower Power quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in bright and pastel rainbow colors with a white background.

Flower Power

Flower Power Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

I recommend Barely There Fusible Web

Finished Size: 60" x 66"

Uses Creative Grids Circle Savvy Ruler - optional

Templates are supplied with pattern.

Sawsall quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in Blues, aquas, white and black


Sawsall Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

You will also need foundation piecing paper and a small ruler with 1/4" marks.

Size: 36"x36"

Vitamin Sea Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in teals, pinks, yellows, and white

Vitamin Sea

Vitamin Sea Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Skill Level Intermediate

This pattern uses the Creative Grids™

45° Kaleidoscope & Dresden Plate Ruler


Size: 53"x 53"

Garden Variety Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pinks, yellows, greens and a white background

Garden Variety

Garden Variety gives you a wide range of fun garden images using beginning piecing techniques and machine applique.

This is fat quarter friendly and finishes at 52in x 56in.

Delilah quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design featuring a goat.


Delilah Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 48"x60"

Argyle Style quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in Cotton Couture by Michael Miller Fabrics

Argyle Style

SGD057 Argyle Style

56" x 56"

Fun, modern take on argyle.  Looks great in solids, batiks, basics or prints!  Goes together quickly.

Panel Pizzazz quilt by Swirly Girls Design in American Flag and eagles panel with red, white and blue borders.

Panel Pizzazz

Make  that panel shine! Pattern works with panels up to 32" wide. Coping  strip instructions included to bring center panel up to size.

Lap: 56" x 72" - Uses up to a 32" panel

Coping strips may be required to bring the panel up to size.

Farmhouse quilt with red stars, dark blue accents, white background and dark blue border.


SGD063 Farmhouse Quilt Pattern

No special rulers

Feel The Love quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pinks, grays, and whites

Feel The Love

Feel The Love pdf pattern

57" x 69"

This is a pdf printable pattern.

All profits will be donated to the American Cancer Society for all 2020 sales.  That incldes everything except the cc fees.

Thank you for helping me celebrate my 50th birthday by raising money for such a worthy organization.

The American Cancer Society was very helpful during my chemo.  I support them personally every year.

Block Talk Stars Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in batiks

Block Talk Stars

Very versatile pattern!

If using panels, T-shirts, etc:

The Block Talk Stars pattern adjusts to whatever size you cut the center of the block.  The center of the block can be any size as long as they are all the same size.  Pattern includes a link to a web based interactive calculator to help you figure out how large your finished quilt will be, cutting sizes, and fabric requirements.  You can even add a border!

Archer quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in Harmony fabrics by Michael Miller Fabrics


SGD073 Archer Quilt Pattern Fun quilt made using 8 fat quarter, accent and a background.Uses the Creative Grids 45 degree triangle ruler CGRT45. Lap Size: 60" x 70"

Sweet Chevrons Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pink, gray, white, and black

Sweet Chevrons

Make a beautiful chevron quilt for that someone special.  Uses to  special ruler… just a 45 degree angle on a mat or ruler. 2 Sizes from  Baby to Twin.

Sweet Chevrons has been rewritten and is now a new Swirly Girls Design pattern.  The basic pattern is the same.

Formerly FQG110 Sweet Ups and Downs by Fat Quarter Gypsy.

Skill Level: Confident Beginner

Finished Sizes:

Baby - 40" x 63"

Twin- 70" x 107"

Modern quilt with a feature fabric and border surrounded by a weave of coordinating fabrics in teals and greens.

Modern Weave

Choose a feature fabric and coordinating prints in lights, mediums, and darks.  Goes together easily.

Triple Sidestep quilt by Swirly Girls Design in bright rainbow colored batiks.

Triple Sidestep

SGD083 Triple Sidestep Quilt Pattern

Fun strip pattern! Uses either cut yardage or two 40  piece 2-1/2" strip packs. Instructions uses the Creative Grids 45 degree  Half-Square Triangle Ruler. However, a standard ruler can be used with a  45 degree line. This is a new, reworked version of the FQG112 Triple  Sidestep pattern by Fat Quarter Gypsy.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Finished Size: 56" x 77"

SQD086 Zoey Quilt in bright colors showing a zig zag design


Great beginner pattern!  Easy to follow instructions to make this fun zig zaggity quilt!  2 final layouts to choose from! Uses 12 Fat Quarters and a background fabric.

Snappy Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in reds, green, blues, and whites


SGDDB03 Snappy Quilt Pattern

60" x 66"

Fat Quarter Friendly

High Energy Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in grey and black with a white background

High Energy

SGDDB06 High Energy Quilt Pattern

Size: 54" x 65"

Uses 30 Degree Triangle Ruler

Welcome Wall Hanging quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pinks, teals, and a white background

Welcome Wall Hanging

SGDDB10 Welcome Wall Hanging

12" x 12"

Tidbits Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pinks, aquas, and whites


Tidbits Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 40"x50" (Baby), 60"x70" (Lap), 80"x90" (Full)

French Garden Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in bright colors with white and black accents

French Garden

French Garden Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 58"x72"

Lucky 21 Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in autumn colors

Lucky 21

SGD013 Lucky 21 Fun quilt made using 21 Fat Quarters!  Great in solids, basics, batiks, prints... pretty much anything! Lap Size: 57" x 72"

Big Ten Quilt pattern by Swirly Girl Design in aquas, yellows, grays, and black

Big Ten

Big Ten Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

This is the queen size version of Perfect Ten.  There were too many  changes to fit into the same pattern, so it had to have its own.

Uses 10 half yards, sashing and a border.

Size: 86"x106"

Inner Glow Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in purple, blue, aqua and peach

Inner Glow

Inner Glow Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 57"x75" (Lap), 75"x93" (Twin), 93"x102" (Queen), 111"x111" (King)

Ring Toss quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in primary colors with a white back ground

Ring Toss

Ring Toss Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Fast Baby Quilt

Uses Circle Savvy Ruler

I recommend Barely There Fusible Web - Baby (5 sheets), Lap (7 sheets)

Arrange the rings on your fabric to create a fun eye-spy quilt!

Sizes: 36"x 44" (Baby), 48"x 64" (Lap)

Over Under Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design showing table runner in bright colored batiks

Over Under

Over Under Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

This pattern requires the Creative Grids 30 Degree Ruler.

Sizes: 24", 26", or 48" diameter

Stars at Sea Quilt pattern in bright rainbow colors and a white background

Stars At Sea

Stars at Sea Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 60"x72"

Chatterbox Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in yellow, gray, black, and white


Fun pattern to piece... Uses Fat Quarters, Background and a Border.

Fold and Go Portable Design Mat Sewing Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in red flowers, white polka dots and a black background

Fold and Go

Portable Design Mat

Fold & Go Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 16"x16", 16"x42"

Exclamation Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in dark blue, neon green, black with a white back ground


Exclamation Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 60"x72"

Go Go Hexies Quilt  pattern by Swirly Girls Design in rainbow colors and a white background

Go Go Hexies

SGD044 Go Go Hexies Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Don't let hexies scare you anymore!  This pattern uses stick on 2" hexagons so the entire top is machine pieced!

Skill Level: Intermediate

Sizes: 46" x 48"

Happy Place Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in yellow, pink, teal, blue, white and black

Happy Place

Happy Place Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 36"x42"

Cryptic Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in modern bright solids and a white background


Cryptic Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Easy to shop for... just 5 half yards and a background.

All 5 half yards are cut the same way... then mix it up and piece.

Looks great using scraps in 5 colors too!

Fractions quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in grays, whites and circles in bright colors


Make a modern statement with this graphic design.  5 background colors and an accent.  Add circle appliques for a modern flair.

Looks great in solids, prints or batiks.

Size: 68" x 68".

I recommend Barely There Fusible Web.

Somersault quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in red, aqua, gray, yellow, and white


SGD058 Somersault

Four Sizes:  Baby (44" x 52"); Lap (60" x 76"); Twin (68" x 92"); Queen (95" x 95")

Uses the Creative Grids 9-1/2" Perfect Rectangle Ruler

FoOrmerly FQG119 Somersault by The Fat Quarter Gypsy

Panel Pop quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in a child's print with vehicles in a city.

Panel Pop

SGD061 Panel Pop Quilt Pattern

Works with panels from 24-1/2"  to 42-1/2" wide.

Pattern includes coping strip instructions to bring your panel up to the correct size for the center of the quilt.

Finished Sizes:

If Panel = 24-1/2" wide: 36" x 54"If Panel = 28-1/2" wide: 40" x 54"If Panel = 32-1/2" wide: 44" x 54"If Panel = 36-1/2" wide: 48" x 54"If Panel = 42-1/2" wide: 54" x 54"

Bonus! Use the Border Calculator found at to add up to 3 borders!

Shady Character quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in teal, white, green and black

Shady Character

SGD064 Shady Character Quilt Pattern

Uses #CGRDBS90 Creative Grids 90 degree Double Strip Ruler

Sizes: Lap - 54" x 70", Twin - 70" x 86", Queen - 86" x 102", King - 111" x 111"

Mountains quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Designs in bright rainbow QT fabrics


SGD067 Mountains Quilt and Wall Hanging Pattern

Bring the mountains home. Create a fun wall hanging or a lap sized quilt.

Uses a 60 degree Triangle Ruler.

Sizes: Wall Hanging: 37" x 40"Lap Sized Quilt: 65" x 70"

Panel Blast Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design with farm themed panel and pastel and black borders.

Panel Blast

SGD071 Panel Blast  Grab a 24 or 36 inch panel, 1/2 yard cuts, and an accent fabric to make this fun quilt! Coping strip instructions included to bring your panel up to size. Lap: 63" x 81" uses a 24-1/2" x 42-1/2" center panel. Full: 75" x 81" uses a 36-1/2" x 42-1/2" center panel.  5 pages.

Over Under Again Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design showing tree skirt in gray, red, lime green, and white

Over Under Again

Three styles for Over Your Table or Under Your Tree!

The 48" x 48" square or rounded versions can be a table topper or a  tree skirt.  The additional 16" x 64" table runner is perfect for any  time of year!  Over Under Again isn't just for the holidays.  No  specialty rulers required.

Finished Sizes:Square Version - 48" x 48"Rounded Version - 48" x 48"Table Runner - 16" x 64"

8 pages

Chopped Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in vegetables prints


Chopped! is a fun, fat quarter friendly pattern.

Featured in Quilters Newsletter's Fat Quarter Friendly Quilts.

Panel quilt featuring an ocean themed center panel and ocean theme prints in a checkerboard pattern surrounding it

Panel Bliss

Great panel quilt pattern that only needs the panel and 6 fabrics!  Background, 4 prints and an accent.  Uses either a 24-1/2" x 42-1/2" or a 36-1/2" x 42-1/2" center panel.  Could also use a large print fabric in place of the panel.

If your panel is to small, there are instructions to add coping strips to bring it up to size.

Tabitha Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in yellow, grays, and whites


A fun, easy Fat Quarter friendly weekend quilt!

This is a great quilt for a class!

Skill Level:

Advanced Beginner

Overnight Sensation Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in red, black, gray and white background

Overnight Sensation

SBDDB01 Overnight Sensation Quilt Pattern

Size: 64" x 76"

Fat Quarter Friendly

Preppy quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pinks, purples, and a white back ground


SGDDB04 Preppy Quilt Pattern

54" x 76"

Fat Quarter Friendly

Baker's Dozen Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in  Pinks, Aquas, Whites and Blacks

Baker's Dozen

SBDDB08 Baker's Dozen Quilt Pattern

Sizes: Lap (60" x 70"), Twin (72" x 85"), Queen (85" x 100"), & King (110" x 115")

Fat Quarter Friendly

Sew Sweet Book Cover showing quilt in bright colors with an aqua background

Sew Sweet Book

Sew Sweet Book

Contains 8 beautiful designs!

Baby & Lap Size Instructions for Every Quilt!

Focus Pocus Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pinks, blues, black and white

Focus Pocus

Great pattern to show off the fabrics in a novelty collection!

Megabits Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pinks, blues, greens, whites and blacks


Megabits Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 80" x 90"

Equal Rights Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in blue and white triangles

Equal Rights

Equal Rights Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 53"x68" (Lap), 75"x94" (Twin), 87"x106" (Queen)

Twinkle Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in rainbow and dark batiks


Twinkle Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 44"x44" (Baby), 60"x72" (Lap), 76"x88" (Twin), 84"x96" (Queen)

On The Spot quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in yellow, black, and white

On The Spot

On The Spot Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 62"x74" (Lap), 74"x86" (Twin), 86"x98" (Queen), 110"x110" (King)

Behind The Scenes Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in blue print fabric with yellow, orange, and white

Behind The Scenes

Uses Circle Savvy Ruler

I recommend Barely There Fusible Web - Baby (3 sheets), Lap (4 sheets)

Fast Baby Quilt

Perfect for large novelty prints

uses clever piecing and applique techniques

Sizes: 38"x48" (Baby), 46"x64" (Lap)

Pocket Portfolio sewing pattern by Swirly Girls Design showing 3 sizes of bags

Pocket Portfolio

Pocket Portfolio Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sizes: 6.5"x6.5" (Small), 8.5"x11" (Medium), 11"x14" (Large)

Sublime Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in teals, limes, and a white back ground


Sublime Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

I recommend Barely There fusible adhesive.

Pattern uses the CGRSAV1 Creative Grids Circle Savvy ruler.

Sizes: 55"x70" (Lap), 74"x89" (Twin), 89"x104" (Queen), 108"x108" (King)

Cabin Fever Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in soft rainbow colors, black, and white

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 60"x68"

This pattern uses the Creative Grids 60* Triangle Ruler.

Are you Shearious? Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in rainbow colors, white back ground and teal border

Are You Shearious?

Are You Shearious? Quilt, Wall Hanging and Pillow Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Sweet Summertime block of the month quilt pattern in bright colors.  Each block features an adorable summertime themed embroidery design.

Sweet Summertime BOM

SGD042 Sweet Summertime Block of the Month Pattern.   Includes adorable summertime themed embroidery panels.

Girl's Best Friend Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in bright colors and a white background

Girl's Best Friend

Girl's Best Friend Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 63"x72"

Hank Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in red, yellow, green, black with a white background


Hank Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 64"x72"

Pineapple Party Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in soft rainbow colors with a white background

Pineapple Party

Pineapple Party Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design

Size: 60"x72"

Block Talk quilt featuring Majestic Owls with Kaffe Fasset fabrics framing the blocks

Block Talk

Very versatile pattern!

If using 10" precut squares:

You will need 40 squares and an accent fabric.  Start on Page 1 of the pattern.

If using panels, T-shirts, etc:

The Block Talk pattern adjusts to whatever size you cut the center of the block.  Start on Page 6 of the pattern. The center of the block can be any size as long as they are all the same size.  Pattern includes a link to a web based interactive calculator to help you figure out how large your finished quilt will be, cutting sizes, and fabric requirements.  You can even add a border!

Fortune Cookie Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pastels and a white background

Fortune Cookie

SGD059 Fortune Cookie Quilt Pattern

No special rulers

Lap: 60" x 70", Queen: 92" x 102"

Panel Frames quilt by Swirly Girls Design in Hello Sunshine fabric by Michael Miller Fabrics.

Panel Frames

Versatile Panel Quilt!

Three framing options!!

36" x 54" - no border

44" x 62" - with optional border

Works with panels up to 24-1/2" wide.

Pattern includes coping strip instructions to bring your panel up to the correct size for the center of the quilt.

Bonus! Use the Border Calculator found at to add up to 3 borders!

8 pages.

Granny Dot Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in batiks

Granny Dot

SGD065 Granny Dot Quilt Pattern

No 'Y' seams!  Choose any 7 fabrics...

Skill Level: Intermediate


Lap - 62" x 77"

Twin - 62" x 83"

Full - 75" x 89"

Queen - 88" x 89"

Optional Notions (Tumbler Template is included with pattern):

FQG901 Granny Dot Template


Creative Grids 30 Degree Triangle Ruler


Formerly FQG101 Granny Dot Quilt Pattern - Retired April 2022

Star Struck quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in rainbow batiks and a white back ground

Star Struck

SGD068 Star Struck Quilt Pattern

Sizes: Lap Sized Quilt: 60" x 72" Full/Queen Sized Quilt: 85" x 96"

Al the Gator Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in bright colors

Al The Gator

Al The Gator is a fun fat quarter friendly quilt pattern. Includes pillow instructions 

Sunset Stroll Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in Bohemian Rhapsody fabric line

Sunset Stroll

Choose 4  fabrics in each of 3 colors and a sashing/binding.  This pattern look  fantastic in solids, tone-on-tones, batiks, prints and more!

Sunset  Stroll has been rewritten and is now a new Swirly Girls Design pattern.   The number of fabrics and cutting has changed.  The basic pattern is  the same.

Formerly FQG116 Sunset Stroll by Fat Quarter Gypsy.

Skill Level: Confident Beginner

Finished Sizes:

Lap- 60" x 72"

Twin- 72" x 84"

Full- 84" x 84"

Queen- 96" x 96"

Tidal Pool quilt in vivid tonal dot fabrics. Modern zig zag design that really pops.

Tidal Pool

Fun graphic design that looks good in any color scheme!  Great in solids, tonals, batiks and more!  Uses a 60 degree triangle ruler.

Tenfold Quilt Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in reds, pinks, blacks, and white


Great quilt that looks good any everything!  Uses 10 FQ and a background. 

Side by Side Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in reds, blues, greens, oranges, yellows, grays, and white

Side By Side

Quick to piece modern quilt!

Crackerjack Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design red, green, blue and yellow with a white background


SGDDB02 Crackerjack Quilt Pattern

Size: 60" x 75"

Fat Quarter Friendly

Jubilee Quilt pattern by Swirly Girls Design in pink, yellow, red, white and black


SGDDB05 Jubilee Quilt Pattern

Size: 60" x 60"

Dream On Quilted Pillow Pattern by Swirly Girls Design in Blue, Aqua, Yellow, White and Gray

Dream On

SGDDB09 Dream On Pillow Pattern

Size: 20" x 20"

Templates Included... or use Circle Savvy Ruler

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